
Friday, October 31, 2003

Happy Halloween To All

In the Spirit of the Day

Blog Sweeps Week - Update

I have been enjoying immensely the postings this week - and will be working this weekend to write my final reviews on the sites that have been a part of this week.

I hope others have had as much fun as I have. Aside from the sun, these is some good stuff out there. Seriously! Keep up the work, the weeks not over yet... (wink)

With that, I've work to do.... Wishing you all much vanity and a great Friday!

powerful poetic powerpoint...

Love During Wartime scored big with powerpoint! Wow! You must see it.

and then Michaela posts this piece alarum I assume it to be her own creation and one I love at that! I always enjoy Michaela's exploits in language... many of which are more in the line of diatribes and so well written; but this displays yet another side of her talent. WTG Michaela.

Just as a side note... Stick Poet had the highest number of daily hits yesterday since it started.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Afternoon Hit & Run....

Just time for a quickie....

Alli Warren, "--I'll try an' be better." Ok Alli, But just don't change the consistent lack of context. Please?!!

Oh - this just in from an associated press wire as reported by The Washington Post:

"As violence has spiraled in Iraq, top U.S. officials have debated pulling intelligence officers off the so-far unsuccessful hunt for weapons of mass destruction and reassigning them to counterinsurgency efforts, officials said Wednesday."

don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters....

Blog Sweeps Hump Day

Michaela's blood pressure is on the rise. The girl can really get herself up can't she?

Love During Wartime has really gotten into this Sweeps thing. Check out GBII and note the definitely "manly" posts - by the way, I believe this is now 3 degrees of separation.

Bloggedy enacts Oscar night at the Monkey Awards.

Meanwhile, Super Deluxe Poems remains idle. Perhaps Chickee is off stalking a rooster or something.

I took the Stephanie challenge...

Stephanie was having trouble finding a blog that scans as female on the gender genie. She asks if to let her know if anyone has found one. I took her up on the challenge and submitted my blog post of Friday titled The Ghazal thinking it was close to 500 words.

Well, the gender genie put the words through the test and the results:

Words: 401

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 483
Male Score: 460

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

[Admittedly, there were not quite 500 words. Oh well! I suppose I was getting in touch with my feminine side. Hey Sister!]

In brutal honesty Stephanie admits to stalking ONE Parliament Light. Well Stephanie.... to be brutally honest in reply, "Only one is very impressive! Sweeps Week or not!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Shifting Sands....

The collaborative effort between Alli Warren and myself is getting a little jumbled here. At issue is III. First it was there. Then it wasn't. Now it's back. What's a reader to do?

Alli says, "...but that's not saying I'll take it across the chin every damn day." To which I reply from behind the bushes, "No one's looking at your chin dear."

I hear fighting FASCISTS can be a very tiring thing.

Good news, weird news, nudity, love that really don't count

Was Alli Warren up early this morning.... or did she simply have a sleepless night thinking about Blog Sweeps? the INGREDIENT shifts from power words to a the sublime nudity with total disregard for the massive internet audience.... Nada shuts down till further notice and Patrick quietly puts Sorter to rest. Permanently. THIS MACHINE [that] KILLS FASCISTS shares a toast to another peer... Sweeps Blogger, Michaela Cooper who with Mikarrhea displays quite a range, from "wind breaking" toy dogs to paintballing a cheerleader and - yes, we do get to some poetry... "When her loose gown did from her shoulders fall," - and the answer would be: Dear heart, how like you this? Stephanie Young is trying desperately to convince herself and others that The verses written by a poet in love don't count. Me thinks she protests to much!

Hats off the James at Love During Wartime. He reports with excitement [and well he should] that one of his works it being published! WTG Personal success is something Stick Poet loves to hear about.

That's it this morning. The other two blogs I'm tracking are idle this morning.

Monday, October 27, 2003

As I Read It....

Just a few observations from some of our Sweeps Bloggers....

the well-nourished moon and Super deluxe Good Poems have been idle thus far, while Mikarrhea, the INGREDIENT, The Bloggedy Blog Bolg and Love During Wartime all kicked into gear.

Well, the Bloggedy featured a hysterical ride on the F and indicated her survey on poets working was being updated. This survey itself was widely acknowledged among many other bloggers earlier... but this work really predates Sweeps Week.

Mikarrhea is interesting as always. Michaela Cooper was of course the subject of Jimmy's Crush List two weeks back. She fell from grace this week - after defending a fellow blogger who shall remain anonymous (cough). She attempts an apology in today's blog, though I'm not certain how sincere her effort is. Perhaps this is in direct correlation to the myopic sincerity that "Mr. Asshole" (as he wishes to be addressed) shows in the whole matter. Is Michaela sincere? Is she looking to regain Jimmy's Crush List status? Stay tuned.

Alli Warren in the INGREDIENT shares three favorite words. Staccato and Imperfection and Declaration. These are strong, stocky words. Sort of meat and potato language. I'm not sure if this is why she likes them, but it is interesting none the less.

And last but not least.... Love During Wartime quotes a little William Carlos Williams and engages in a little shameless self promotion of Blog Sweeps. Hey, who says kissing up won't help?

The Final List For Stick Poet's Blog Sweeps Week

Here they are folks. The Blogs I'll be reading and reviewing and rating after a week 's reading.

The nominated sites are:

Super deluxe Good Poems

The Bloggedy Blog Blog



the well-nourished moon

Love During Wartime

I looking forward to an interesting week of reading news posts. I'll likely feature some commentary about things of interest throughout the week, but I'll do my reviews and ratings once the week is over. Happy Blogging!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Sweeps Sign Up Extended to Midnight Tonight (Saturday)

I've had a couple more nominations - but I have decided to extend sign ups through midnight tonight. E-mail me with your nominations - again self nominations are fine.

I will begin retroactive any postings from today's date. Even if you sign up at 11:59 tonight.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Blog Sweeps Week Update..........

The following blogs have been nominated and will be a part of Stock Poet's week of reading and rating:

1. the well-nourished moon

2. Mikarrhea


4. Love During Wartime

Come on folks.... there is plenty room for more nominations. To contact me: E-mail Michael Wells and put Blog sweeps Week in the subject line and a your poetry blog nomination. Self nominations are acceptable. Deadline is tonight (Friday) at midnight PST.

The Ghazal

As I previously mentioned in blog, I recently had some personal exposure to poet Robert Bly. On back to back days I caught him in a poetry panel at Western Missouri State College and then at a reading. Having read some of Bly’s works published in 1997, I was delighted to get the up close and personal contact with him.

It seems to me that Bly’s work has progressed through numerous stages over the years. While I am in no way an expert on Bly, It seems to me that in more recent times he gas perhaps gravitated back into form.

During the Panel discussion at WMSC, Bly made reference to the ghazal. This is a poetic form with an Islamic origin dating back I believe to the 12th century in Persia or what is now Iran. I had only recently read some information on the ghazal, so I was familiar with it in only a vague way. It always amazes me how we go through life without hearing about something, then when we do, it seems to come up again almost instantly and you wonder why without previous references to it, you are now bombarded with it.

On the night of Bly’s reading, he treated us to some examples of this form. They were modified to account for some differences between the English and Arabic languages.

Ghazals were originally written as couplets bound by repeating sound patterns. Most commonly brief. Usually ten or so stanzas, sometimes less. They often begin with a love theme. A unique aspect is that each stanza could stand on it’s own rather than the subject matter being threaded together throughout the poem. The final stanza would address something about the poet’s personal life.

Writing in Arabic, the ghazal would look something like two lines sixteen to eighteen syllables per couplet (stanza) for a total of about thirty-six syllables. This allows for plenty of language to complete a thought. While this works well with the Arabic language, it becomes somewhat unruly in English. Bly modifies his ghazals to usually three lines of eleven or twelve syllables – again achieving something close to thirty thirty-six syllables in all. Otherwise he keeps the concept in line with the origional concept.

I found this form fascinating and something I would like to experiment with in the near future. I’d like to hear from anyone else who has done so.

It All Starts Tomorrow - BLOG SWEEPS WEEK

Today is your last opportunity to nominate a blog (yours or someone else's) for Stick Poet's BLOG SWEEP WEEK. You have until midnight tonight PST -
  • E-mail Michael Wells

  • please put Blog Sweeps Week in the subject line. Then give me the name and site address of the blog you are nominating, It MUST be a blog that has some major poetry or poetics connection.

    I received a few nominees yesterday afternoon and last night.... I will post a list of those nominated so far about mid day. Again, you have only until tonight at midnight PST to make your requests. Then get busy sprucing up your blogs. Hey, if nothing else... you are guaranteed a captive reader for one week!

    Thursday, October 23, 2003

    Blog Sweeps Week

    Starting This weekend and running through next Thursday - I will be reading blogs for review and ranking. I will accept nominations, (self or otherwise) of poetry related blogs. Simply e-mail me with your site or that of someone else's site for consideration. You must e-mail me with your sites by midnight PST Friday to be included. Do a little shameless self promotion and spruce up your blog site. I will consider content, aesthetic appeal, unique artistic approach.

    Let me hear from you. Hey, if nothing else, this is at least a lame way to get me to read your blog.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2003

    Hump Day Blog

    I have to take a moment to again comment on Crystal Lyn King's work.

    "It flooded through me.
    An invisible deluge. Soundless."

    Those words from her poem Adrenaline are a tiny part of a swift but quiet overtaking of my soul with a powerful stimulant. Flooded, rushing, creating exuberance and power within. This poem recalls those times I was filled with such energy bursts. I think back in particular on some elections campaigns where the last 48 hours were fueled largely by adrenaline. Thanks Crystal for recreating this. I especially like the final stanza... but I won't give it away. Go to her site and check it out yourself. Experience the entire piece.


    You you haven't responded to yesterdays poll, please do. Thanks!


    Crag Hill - paints an interesting poetic forecast. I found it amusing. Crag, I'll be looking for those periods of imagery and metaphor this weekend.

    Media Coverage of Returning Fallen Servicemen & Women Stopped


    "What you don't see won't hurt you"
    I've heard it said before,
    And so they've added blinders.
    What can the dead do anyway?

    Monday, October 20, 2003

    In Fairness To All

    With Jim's "Monkey Award Voting" underway, I hereby pledge not to divulge the outcome early from our exit polling. Besides, knowing Jim, he'd just throw out the results and pick whoever he wanted.

    I also will not leak the names of any CIA agents to members of the press or eat tofu.

    Saturday, October 18, 2003

    Modern American Poetics: Where Are We? MWSC Campus

    Yesterday's Panel Discussion With: Robert Bly, Poet who has published more than 40 books of poetry. essays and translations. Also known for co-founding American Writers Against the Vietnam War; Robert Stewart, editor of New Letters UMKC's international literary magazine and author of several poetry books; Michelle Boisseau, Author of No Private Life, Trembling Air, and Understory, which won the Samuel French Morse Prize; Ian Roberts, who earned his masters degree in creative writing and his doctorate in literature and literary theory from the University of Nebraska; and John Gilgun, who taught from 1972 -1999 at Western Missouri State College and author of numerous poetry books.

    The panel discussed the impact of today's electronic age on poetry. John Gilgun noted that some 6 million poems are written and posted in online venues every day. Some, like John himself, will send poems daily to email lists. He has been sending to a list of about 30 people for some time now. He asks "How many poets really know their readership?" John likes the idea of community in poetry and writing. Knowing who your audience is and the internet provides a better way to facilitate this than the print media.

    While John's view is interesting, I am inclined to wonder if in writing poetry it is as good to know your audience as it is selling a novel? Will knowing my audience cause an artificial barrier which I create to filter my message so as to be "politically correct?" If so, then my poetic message is tainted and less than pure.

    Robert Bly did not seem impressed the with electronic venue as it related to poetry. After all, because 6 million poems are produced says nothing about their quality. I bemoaned that language in poetry has already gone downhill. We still produce pretty good poetry in America overall, he contends. Much better than contemporary British poetry. It believes the Russian, before the break up of the Soviet Union perhaps produced the best.

    What is needed in our poetry today? According to blew, content that will shake you up. "Extraordinary poetry uses words that will wake you up," says Bly. He said we have too much "white bread" poetry produced in the country today. He believes part of this is due to the fact that the spoken word is declining. What to do about it? Bly urges people to read good works over and over as opposed to writing bad ones. He also was critical of a good many writer's workshops and academia for centering too much inward on their own material.

    Michelle Boisseau echoed much of what blew said. The world is too much with us and we've lost something in the process. We've given our hearts away. As poets, she said our job was to "sharpen the language." She also emphasized reading. Learn a good poem that you can memorize and keep with you. That is a place to start.

    I thought it interesting that there was such emotion on the panel for older established poets. Of course with all the discussion today's internet and it's function in the dissemination of poetry, I wondered the value of even a really great poem that is sent out in an e-mail list and what happens to those words three months from now or a year or two from now? Is any of this remembered?

    The panel agreed that novels have taken a preeminent role over poetry in today's literature. They disagreed on the value of the electronic medium for changing that. Gilgus thought it was a positive force as exhibited by the number of people writing poetry online. Ian Roberts however, didn't seem to think it was driving people to read and experience poetry outside their own personal sphere of influence. I agree.

    Bly was asked why there was not more encouragement from established poets today to upstart poets and people starting new literary magazines. He attributed it to the failure of most established poets to read outside their own venue. They simply don't look at new work near enough.

    I liked three points Robert Stewart made about the art of poetry:

    1. it exists to be authentic
    2. it is about individuals
    3. a poets role is to confront

    The panel was overall a good one. If there was a weakness it was in the moderation. The moderator however was largely responsible for bringing these five insightful people together, so I have to give him credit.

    I have some other things I'll likely share about Robert Bly... but that will be another blog.

    Friday, October 17, 2003

    Michaela is IN the Cubs and Red Sox are OUT

    Michaela Cooper makes her debut on Jim's Crush list

    The "Curse" is definitely IN this year. Cubs and Red Sox are Out.

    Monkey Awards 2003 - Last day to nominate... check out nominations thus far.

    This afternoon I will be on campus at Missouri Western State College for a poetry panel - featuring Poet Robert Bly; poet and novelist John Gilgun; Robert Stewart, poet and editor of New Letters at the University Of Missouri-Kansas City; Michelle Boisseau, poet; and MWSC professor Ian Roberts. The subject: "Modern American Poetics: Where are we?" They will consider issues related to publishing poetry in America today, the effect of electronic media on dissemination of verse; and historical issues. It should prove to be an interesting afternoon.

    Don't Monkey Around.... Friday is coming!

    The 2003 Monkey Award Nominations are underway. But don't delay, Friday is just around the corner and there is no time to monkey around. Get your nominations in and we'll let Jim be the Monkey.

    "Poetry is an act of peace..." Check out Silent Lucidity.

    HAIKU Anyone? Check out the USA today contest.

    What a game at Wrigley last night! - The Goat is alive!

    Tuesday, October 14, 2003

    Playing Baseball, hey that's better.....

    It is wonderful to see so much baseball interwoven between the poetry blogs. I often feel the game is so poetic in itself. Amanda's comments about the Boston- NY incident and violence in general as it relates to baseball is of interest to me. As a historical student of the game, I can attest that this is nothing new. Yet at the same time, I think baseball displays a degree of civility that is not as common in many other sports. Certainly football and hockey are examples of a much more physical aggressive side.

    There has been over the years even kind of a silly game that often occurs in baseball at the brink of these physical confrontations. Most center around throwing in on batters, which is of course a part of the game itself. A batter who believes he has been thrown at will occasionally feel the need to take a stand that he is not going to take this. Once a batter has committed to going to the mound, it is the job of the catcher to protect his pitcher from this batter. The game begins...

    Batter heads to the mound - eyes and body motions reflect anger sending the signal, "I'm not taking any more of this crap... You don't throw at me..." all this time the batter is thinking, "where is the fucking catcher - come on, you are not supposed to let me touch your pitcher."

    Of course the pitcher is supposed to look innocent and play the role of the victim here. "I'm just playing the game, minding my own business" of course he, like the batter, is wondering when his catcher is going to tackle the batter and stop this whole thing. This is how the little game should work, and often will. It allows the angered batter to vent, take a stand, not look like a woss, and no one gets hurt.
    The DH has not helped to problem of throwing at players, because a team can't throw in on the offending pitcher if he never bats. Just one more reason I prefer NL ball.

    I agree with Amanda, I want to see the game and not fighting. However, I don't believe that we are seeing more violence in baseball. At least between the players. I am more concerned about the growing issue of fan violence and I believe this is on the rise.

    Sadly, my team is out (San Francisco Giants) after a fantastic season. Still, I live for baseball and there has been plenty of good ball played so far.

    Monday, October 13, 2003

    easy does it

    a taco or two,
    some friends
    spilled poetic guts
    on chipolte table

    dreams laced with reality,
    plans tempered,

    westward sunset of pinks and orange
    poetically smiles at me
    return the favor, turn east
    eager to return home

    [wrote this in response to Northland Writing group that met Sunday]

    Sunday, October 12, 2003

    Science of Poetry

    "Imagination is more important than knowledge..." Albert Einstein

    Pausing to consider Einstein's somewhat surprising remark I realize that in fact it is knowledge that is limited by lack of imagination. Imagination is in fact the forerunner of knowledge. It is the egg and knowledge is the chicken. Oops, is that how it goes? The debate I suppose rages as to which comes first in the age old question. My point however, is to illustrate that maybe the imagination, which so defines art itself, is more scientific than what we might want to admit.

    Poetry stretches us to new frontiers. It is westward ho! Sailing the seas and traversing the stars all rolled into one. It is microscopic, telescopic, telepathic and God knows what else.

    Friday, October 10, 2003

    Friday Fragments

    Jim's Crush List is out. He has a newbie on the list.

    I will remind you that Jim's Crush List is second to Catherine's Stalking list - on my list of lists.

    While we are talking about Jim... I have to say that his decision to ban Kent and Dave is the most interesting action.

    Consider this.... the decision to ban them from posting is a form of censorship. (regressive) The fact that he sanctioned a poll on who he should ban smacked of good old fashioned Democracy. His decision to cast the poll aside and ban them both was a Dictatorial act - dismissing the Democratic approach. In the end, the blog is his, so he can damn well do what he wishes anyway. What a fascinating exercise in Schizophrenia!

    Ron Silliman is talking line breaks today.

    A big Thanks! toLaurable for feeding my passion for baseball and poetry at the same time.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson said of language...

    "The angels are so enamored of the language that is spoken in heaven, that they will not distort their lips with the hissing and unmusical dialects of men, but speak their own, whether there be any who understand it or not."

    Thursday, October 09, 2003

    Oooops She Opened Her Mouth....

    Speaking before a domestic violence prevention conference last week, Kendel Ehrlich, wife of Maryland's Republican Gov. Robert Ehrlich got lost in the game when she told the audience, "Really, if I had an opportunity to shoot Britney Spears, I think I would."

    Alas, Kendel Ehrlich, spokesperson for Maryland's first lady says the governor's wife made an "inadvertent figure of speech" - well, duh! I'd say it's a toss-up as to which was worse, the choice of words, or the choice of audiences to deliver such a remark to.

    Wednesday, October 08, 2003

    Did I just start a List of Lists?

    If I had a List of Lists.... I'd rank Catherine's "people/things I'd stalk if I was a crazy stalker" list ahead of Jimmy Behrle's famous This Week's Crush List I'm really into the stalker list idea - hee he.

    I want to acknowledge Alli Warren's - Ballot: "a truth cannot lose anything by being written down" is such a powerful affirmation. Come to think of it, writing is itself empowerment.

    Irving Layton once said, "If poetry is like an orgasm, an academic can be likened to someone who studies the passion-stains on the bedsheets." So, if I understand what Chris is saying... he wants to talk more about the orgasm and spend less time analytically looking at the bed stains. That's ok by me.

    Tuesday, October 07, 2003

    Tuesday's tinder vittles...

    Looks like Amiee has a new writing bud. I have to tell you I adore longhaired dachshunds. I had the greatest... Barron, who was the most beautiful red haired. He had an enlarged heart from a valve problem and passed away in my arms on this past thanksgiving. We had been treating him for about a year and a half for the problem.

    Now, I have a red longhaired puppy, also a male. His name is Barry and he is approaching five months. A stinker... but starting to mellow just a bit. We got Barron as an adult so I never got to experience the puppy stage till now.
    They are great companions.


    If you haven't already checked out Circulars- do so.


    Milky Way is munching on another galaxy

    NPR related link


    California to close to call

    Tuesday Vittles In Verse

    Amiee has a doggie
    needs a literary diminutive
    the galaxy is turning and
    to close
    way to close is Arnold
    California is voting
    to close
    latinos needed
    as much as 22 percent
    to close
    Arnold is groping
    groping the milky-way
    to close
    to close for comfort

    Monday, October 06, 2003

    I Won't Self Medicate Today...

    The above is the opening line from Vow to Poetry. I love it in connection with poetry. It seems to me that poetry is in fact a good deal like "self medicating" and in this instance, I don't think that is half bad.

    My profession in life, involves mental health issues. Self medication is a concept I am quite acquainted with, and it usually has negative implications. However, to actually "vow to poetry" is interesting in that to me, it conceptually commits one to self discovery and rediscovery.

    In a session at a writers conference this weekend I was blessed to hear a woman of color named Bonnie Lynn Tolson. Bonnie is the author of a poetry book entitled Naturally Nappy. Of her work in the book, Bonnie shared that "this is where I was then." This comment underscores a point I believe is valid in terms of any commitment or vow to (write) poetry. By dedicating oneself to writing poetry, you are putting yourself in a position (like it or not) to find out things. To discover... More importantly self discovery. It can be scary but it can also be a very cleansing action in life.

    I'll have a hot dog
    then go off to a cave...
    Is this what we do when we don't write? When we refuse to medicate ourselves with poetics... or get in touch with our deepest insights? Yes, just like blogging, I've had those days I just fluff it off. Take my non-functional self to the caves... Or is poetry the real life, and going to the cave is the real self-medication. Equal to all the negative stereotypes associated with normal self medication. Either way, in the end the fact remains... poetry feeds the soul.

    Sunday, October 05, 2003

    Weekend Wrap Up...

    The Weekend is nearly over. The focal point of it was the Maple Woods Writers Conference.

    I have to say that Friday and Saturday's writers conference was well worth the money and time invested. Presenters were for the most part excellent. Everyone was good... Most reached above the level of expectation I had.

    I was disappointed that we did not have more opportunity to here Gloria Vando - her presentation was cut short by another presenter running over. She is local and the opportunity to exposure to her again is good, so I have tried not to stress too much about this.

    My hats are off to the administration of Maple Woods - this is their 20th year and they did a bang up job.

    Friday night - there was a special event off campus where Naomi Shihab Nye, poet and essaiest spoke. She is a remarkable woman with a world of contacts in poetry.

    Saturday I met with an agent from NY and had a brief discussion of my Candlestick Park book project. More presenters Saturday and finally - (sigh) I was able to catch up on my San Francisco Giants, who were eliminated in divisional play after a wild ride in first place in the NL West from opening day to the last, winning 100 games and the NL West Division Championship.

    You must know that I live for these games. I often score the games - so I am into every detail. Being out of the loop Friday and Saturday was killing me, and their whole post season now seems surreal to me. It's almost like it never happened.

    I will have much more to say about Naomi Shihab Nye. Perhaps more about the conference too over the next few days. Plus I have some other blog reading to catch up on. Right now, I need to head to bed.

    Thursday, October 02, 2003

    Thursday Thoughts...

    Can one carry the weight of endless suffering of the world in it's entirety upon his or her shoulders... And then actually sleep? Thanks Alli Warren for a sleepless night.

    Michaela Cooper, had forsaken her fans for LA (good lord [spoken in my best San Francisco Giants fan voice] what of value exists in LA?) but alas has returned, along with some of her brain cells. This is evidenced by her role as promulgator of Blake on matters of "sexual love".

    For those who are wondering "what the hell men are thinking"? - try this site.

    I'll close with a poem I did maybe a month ago...


    two dogs at feet
    begging attention
    craving treat

    reward in had
    wants no part

    Wednesday, October 01, 2003

    The Wit and Lack of Wisdom of Donald H. Rumsfeld

    I've seen this book at B & N and chuckled a few times. Then it sunk in that this man is dead serious.

    Bly & Bly

    And so it came to pass, that I spent a good deal of yesterday on a bus with my youngest daughter and many of her classmates on a trip to Hutchinson, Kansas to visit the Cosmosphere. First of all, let me say that if the Cosmosphere was not in Hutchinson, there would be no real reason for Hutchinson to exist. Truly, it may not, because of course Kansas is only a theory at this point.

    The space museum was awesome. Unfortunately it took longer to make the trip there and back than we had time to spend in the museum itself. I spent a good portion of the trip commute reading from Robert Bly's Morning Poems. I didn't ignore my daughter. We actually read parts of it together. She particularly enjoyed (as did I) his poems, Bad People and The Old Woman Frying Perch. AKA - The Cat in the Kitchen.

    One of the things I am discovering that I like about Robert Bly is the vast usage of commonplace words to develop his poetry with topics that range from his childhood to thoughts on writing itself. He definitely stretches the imagination, but not completely out of the cerebral cavity, if you know what I mean.

    Ha! Who says you can't combine science and culture?