
Friday, November 28, 2003


Can you hear the silence
in the chilled winds
after the feast and fat bellies
brought us to a crawl

The moist eyes lubricate the memory
the heart weakens a bit in pain
loss can take from you like that

You are not forgotten
nor have you been replaced
the roots of such love run deep
and cannot simply be replenished

I choose to remember you in life...
the click of your happy feet upon the floor
the perpetual tail motion
the beauty of your long red hair that anyone could envy
but I cannot forget how you left
in my arms a year ago
our eyes silently saying goodbye
knowing neither had the power to stop your departure
though both our frail hearts so desperately desired to

[On this evening - 1 year ago, Barron - our beautiful long haired, red dachshund died in my arms. The last year and a half of his life, he was being treated for heart problems. He is missed daily.]

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