
Friday, October 01, 2004

October Already

Ah, Friday at last!

I'm going the a reading tonight of some friends at the Maple Woods College campus. Tomorrow, my youngest daughter has a karate tournament locally. Should be an all day event. I'll take note book and reading material.

I'd like to get a lot done this weekend. It has just hit me that we are down to the final quarter of the year and I don't have much material out floating around right now. I need to make a final push. I've got stuff that can be sent out, just need to do it!

The poet must get off his butt!

1 comment:

  1. Funny -- I was just procrastinating about doing that myself... by reading your blog. (I found it through Victoria Chang's links)
    I read one piece of advice somewhere: make it a systematic thing, where you send two submissions every weekend, year-round... by the end of the year, you have 104 submissions done. Nice system, if we could manage to be so sytematic.
    While it's the last quarter of the calendar year, it's the beginning of that year within the year, the school year. And the rhythm of most lit mags follows that second year...
    By the way, I'm a new poet-blogger on the block. Nice to get acquainted.


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