
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Frustration Abounds

I have spent hours today on a poem that I started a week ago and it is just past 9pm and I'm calling it quits on this one for tonight. I'm shutting down the computer- going upstairs and I will read some poetry for a while. I have to get away from this piece.... It simply is not happening tonight.

Frustration sucks!


  1. How long does a poem usually take for you to consider it finished, Michael? From first rough draft to submission ready?

  2. Cindy...

    That is a really good question. One I'm not sure I can give a definative answer to. I have stuff that has been in the process for in excess of a year. There have been things that have come together quickly. The one that was the focus of this post - in terms of days has not really been that long. However, there have been significant periods of time within those days spent on it. That is really more unusual for me.

    I will often work on two or more poems in a days time. This one I spent between three and four hours in one setting on Saturday along.

    I recall it taking me over eight months to write a poem that finally said what I wanted it to about baseball ment to me and that is one I have never submitted anywhere.

    Don't have an answer for why, but sometimes I have works that slide out of the pen as if it were greased and others that (pardon the expression from a male) but I think are a bit like like long labors. *my disclamer to that statement is that I have at least been present at the birth of all four of my children.

    Another note would be that I have taken poems that I have submitted and rewoked them again later. Are poems ever really finished? ;)


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