
Friday, May 13, 2005

ADD or AD/HD Poets

Need a little help here. I am interested in information on established poets who have Adult -Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or AD/HD. I'm also looking for feedback from anyone who is actively writing poetry, about how you believe it impacts your work and if you find differences in your ability to express yourself verbally in conversation as opposed to the creative processes of putting words to a page.

As Adult ADD is historically, somewhat a young condition (it's recognition) I'm sure that information on the affliction within the poetry community is limited.

My interest relates to a better personal understanding of what I perceive as impact to myself and the experiences others may have.

Anyway.... your posts are welcome or e-mail me directly if you would prefer. E-mail-Michael Wells


  1. you are very funny. this disorder is of course a good trope for the normal becomings of any poet. best blushes and wishes to yer blogOH!

  2. Thanks Malcolm... I am well aware of much written subject of a linkage between artistic temperment and bipolar conditions. I have heard of this book, though I have not read it and perhaps should add it to my reading list.

    Still, this is a stretch away from what I was looking for here.

    It is generally agreed that ad/hd often adds significant stress and frustration to lead to depression as a secondary componet to the condition, but I am more interested in exploring specific links between ad/hd and poets.


I love hearing your comments.