
Sunday, November 06, 2005

It's sunday already?

A number of us from one of my writing communities attended the wedding of fellow poet/writer Scot Isom and his wife Dena last night. Best wishes to the new couple! I cringed just a bit when I saw in the program there was a reading of one of Scot's poems. I thought... he has one clean enough to read? Luckily he wrote one just for the occasion.

It is feeling so strange now without baseball. That is one aspect of fall that I hate. All the fun colors and enticing smells we come to think of with this time of year still come up short without baseball.

I have been using a full spectrum lamp at both home and the office of late. I do believe it truly helps with respect to SAD. Plus the light is so much better to read by. Our cats love to curl up and sleep beneath the one at home. Catching a few rays.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the baseball. If the Red Sox had made the playoffs, it would have lasted longer, but I would have lost a lot of sleep. Last year was exhausting.

    I have a friend with SAD who gets a lot of help from a light box. It's really tough during these shortened days.


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