
Friday, August 04, 2006

What's On Your Cover?

I read about a survey of some 2000 adults conducted for Boarders Book Store that indicated the following:
  • Half admitted they would look at someone again or smile at them based on what that person was reading.
  • A third of the surveyed would go so far as to consider flirting with someone based upon what that person was reading.

This tid-bit from the Culture Vulture blog seemed to me on the surface to represent a somewhat shallow human condition. Yet, upon further consideration I wondered is it really the most shallow factor in how or why some people would be attracted to others?

I'm not suggesting that we should pick our soul mates based upon the cover of their books, but it perhaps could be viewed as evidence that people are in fact prone to other consideration besides that which is only skin deep, so maybe it is not so shallow after all.

It might be worth noting that in general, many actually found erotic fiction, horror, chick lit, and self-help books as non-impressive, while classics, biographical books and modern literary fiction were seen as turn-ons. Just a little help in case you need to know what to be seen reading and what not to be caught with.

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