Just about completed another Journal last night. Flipping through the pages here is a taste of journal niblits:
- doubt became his face / unable to hide / in the shadow /of five o'clock (March 18)
- when the night broke down / and the band packed / disappearing into the tangle / spilled on the streets (March 23)
- Deliberation that grew moss up the north side (April 1)
- She wore the naked moonlight / across breasts of a woman / unmasked of self-conscious (approx April 11)
- {note to self} authors hear voices - sure we do ::grin:: ( April 28th)
- yesterday my body ached /of rubber band mussels / wound tightly in corset knotted tissue (May 11)
- A poet's voice- that of a woman / of color- A slice of life on a wing ( May 19th)
This of course means that I will get to take out my new crisp journal and start scribbling.
I have a great treat for readers tomorrow. An interview with Aleah Sato!
I think Christine's a cool poet, too. Quite original.