
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yes, my mind is a little unstructured at the moment

This will probably sound very off the wall but what the heck. There's been plenty of discourse on when poets write best, where they write best, their favorite tool or instrument for writing.... alas, I am wondering what is the favorite liquid refreshment of poets while writing. I want to reiterate the "while writing" part. So, if you like to go home and have a Bailey's or two or three over rocks, but then fall asleep in the lounge with "Everybody Loves Raymond" on, that don't count.

So are you a milk & cookies poet? Do you write better sipping on Chardonnay? Maybe you like day old coffee (gag) reheated in the microwave... or Diet Coke or green tea or a grande, double shot, skinny, Caffè Latte from Starbucks.

Wondering what wets your whistle while you write?


  1. I don't feel right if I don't have a Diet Coke. It's a liquid crutch. Hot tea on the side.

  2. LOL - I often have a Diet Coke - writing or not.

    For me, it depends on the time of day - Coffee or Diet coke in the morning.

    If it is eveing - I sometimes like a glass of wine. Almost always white wine ~ preference is Chardonnay. Mid-day it is likely gonna be Diet Coke again. Never ever Pepsi :)

  3. Give me a nice fruit bomb red wine like a good syrah or zin and I'll spill out all sorts of beautiful words. :)

  4. Hot tea or ice water, usually.

    Occasional secondary choices:
    Milk if I'm nibbling on a brownie or cookies.
    Juice or chocolate milk if there's no cookies. :)


I love hearing your comments.