
Friday, March 07, 2008

Check these out...

It's Friday, and while I like to take my Friday evenings a little on the lighter side, especially after a challenging week, I read a remarkably powerful poem by Jilly title Poem By an American. Needless to say, it's not on the lighter side. She acknowledges she may not be finished with it, but it is well worth reading. It's really quite different from anything of her's that I've read.

Also, Aleah Sato has poetry up at k a l e i d o w h i r l - winter 2008 edition. Her work is generally well worth a read.


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Thanks for your kind words, Michael.

  2. Jilly-

    You're more than welcome. I just call em the way I see em. Very powerful words!


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