
Thursday, April 01, 2010

National Poetry Month Has Arrived

Crazy Time!  Crank out those poems. One-A-Day!

Yes, I'm doing the poem-a-day challenge again this year. I'm still debating if I will post the drafts here or not. Stay tuned for my decision, but at a minimum, I will report the daily exploits in this journey.  You can count on that.

Last year I completed the challenge and had maybe five decent poems that survived drafts that I had written during the 30 day period. I won't lie to you, this gets to be painful about 20 days in. I think it's more to aspect of writing to a set prompt then the writing part itself. Some days you just want to tell the prompt  where it can go. But for now, the challenge is met with fresh enthueasam.

1 comment:

  1. Ah. I was unaware of the prompt part of it and was considering the one-a-day challenge as being probably more than I'd handle.

    Oh well. I've never been much on rules, anyway.

    Will be keeping an eye out for your news and possible draft tidbits.


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