
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Magpie Tales 51 / Poem: Our Strength

Our Strength

Darkness descends
and we are together
tight as mortar and bricks.
A family, snug
we hardly notice the light
foot traffic—

Morning arrives with haste
of duties; so many people
so many places, each of us
feels the pressures of travel,
of heat, of friction
rolling over us

an anxiety— of the grit of life
churned out and spread over us
like we are plowed earth
and seeded discouragement
that it might take hold.

Some of it will root
between us. It will grow
and it may threaten
but tightly grouted
and stronger for our numbers
we will keep our ground.

2011 © Michael A. Wells

Magpie Tales 51


  1. Very strong poem, but solid emotional subject matter. Good take on the prompt for sure.

  2. Great Magpie! Enjoyed the way you weaved your life through the challenge. Awesome!

  3. A strong Magpie, wonderful read!

  4. Loved this, especially the last line and this one,

    "the grit of life/
    churned out and spread over us/
    like we are plowed earth"

    -- "Plowed earth," what rich imagery, I'm nearly jealous with your use of it, well done! :)

  5. Thanks Socks!
    Thanks Donna B!
    Tumblewords, glad you liked it.

    Terresa- thanks!

  6. Nothing as strong as unconditional family love.

  7. Strong grouting, that's what it takes!


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