
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Pleasant Find

I was looking through some of my sent mail and cleaning out stuff tonight when I ran across a draft of a poem written in July of 2009 that I sent to some poet friends that were sharing drafts back then.  There was a draft that I had forgotten though reading it after all this time I realized it was a remarkably strong draft to have since been overlooked. This was a surprising find and I promptly moved a copy of it to a working draft folder.

This likely is not an isolated incident for me.  I'm pretty sure I've a trail of promising drafts that have become neglected orphans. I need to revisit my old journals and old e-mails more often.

Do you have rough diamonds languishing in your sent folder, an obscure file folder on your computer or hard copies stashed in a drawer someplace? 


  1. Oh, man, I have file folders (real and virtual) lurking everywhere. I'm a teeny bit of a file and book hoarder, but I have about 100 pounds of books behind me packed up in boxes to go to the library sale. A friend posted this line which really hit home with me and I've begun organizing my books and stuff: "Everyone gets organized at some point, they just might not be around for it."

  2. Ouch... That's foor for thought Marion.

    But can people really be book hoarders? Wouldn't a "so called" book hoarder just be a satellite repository for knowledge?


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