
Sunday, March 04, 2012

Meg: 107: What Phobia?

image by Sarolta Ban

He hides his nervousness behind a Mercurochrome mask
feels the grittiness of a public humiliation just the same
with no particular reason that he can articulate.

It's just the size of everything is so outlandish.
The rivers of mascara that flow like lava.
Mars and Jupiter staring him down.

What phobia should he choose
as he recoils from it all?

He has become the two legged atom
randomized and feeling underfoot
an ant fleeing as the real world trudges on.

Michael A. Wells


  1. This is great. I especially like the last stanza.

  2. This poem has an almost virginal tone! Poor man. "It's just the size of everything is so outlandish" really describes our society today: In trying to simplify we've made it big, confusing, and ominous. Great poem!

  3. A agree with Laurie. Also love the image you paired with this poem.

  4. I like the image of an ant fleeing while the real world trudges on.


  5. Mars and Jupiter staring him down...oh yeah!

  6. Very atomic , loved it !

  7. Size definitely matters...

    and two word verification is twice as bad as it used to be with one. How about turning it off and helping us busy comment leavers to leave a little faster? :)


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