
Saturday, June 02, 2012

For Hoss

If you want to know why a tear is salty—

It‘s because salt is a mineral 
adding weight so tears run down our face
keeping us grounded in times of sorrow.

It’s because salt is a preservative,
a constant reminder what each day
together meant us.

In times of loss, however brave we seem,
the spring within us flows
because it comes from  having known.


  1. Couldn't have said it better.

  2. This is beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss.

  3. Andrea thank you. Hoss was actually my son Mike's dog but our whole family was very fond of him.

    When my son would go out of town from time to time, I would often stay over to dog sit for Hoss and his other dog Church. If this was a weekend - which was often the case, I'd usually make a mini-writing retreat of it since it was just me an the dogs. Church is a large dog and has a nice dog house shelter so he was mostly outside. Hoss on the other hand would usually stay close at had to me.

    Hoss liked to taunt me with his kong. If I was able to get it I'd toss it and he'd retrieve it, bring it back if I ignored him and first he'd push it into my lap and we'd start all over.

    Hoss always seemed to know when I need a break. He was always delighted to see me when I arrived.
    Just a completely lovable companion. Even as I pick up a pen to write at home there is a feeling something just isn't right. We'll all miss him.


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