
Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Mag 130: No Shell Game

Image by Francesca Woodman

Don' t dare look past my flesh self
ignoring what discomfort troubles you.
I've come out so that I can be everything
I truly am-   the co-worker, the mother, the friend
the wife and the lover.

I don't hide my intellect behind my body
anymore then I will shelter my flesh
with intellect or my personality.

I've shed my shell;
these breasts, the curves-
this flesh and bone
this is my architecture-
I embrace all that I am.

Michael A. Wells


  1. i'vecome out so i can be everything i truly am...really like that line....

  2. Yes, one of the ways Francesca has helped us is put flesh on our creative bones. She continues as part of the creative life of all of us because she so unerringly told the body's truth.

    She is however not to everyone's taste. You need to be okay with the flavors of things. Thank you for being one who is okay with the flavor of things.

  3. Oh yes...I can so relate to this...powerful write Michael...

  4. nice write Michael...

    "it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are"

    e e cummings

    rob kistner
    Image & Verse

  5. Could easily have been written by Francesca herself - well done.

  6. I'm still trying to accept all that I am. Such a beautiful write!

  7. Your poem has made a strong statement ... one every woman should read! I'm keeping this one in my 'favorites' vault.

  8. Embracing all that you are is such a great epiphany! At various times on your life journey, it is good to be able to do that repeatedly. I love the wording of your writing here. Thank you for sharing this, Michael.

  9. Embracing is a good thing! Very nice! A vivid write!

  10. A strong and deliberate statement of personal conviction ... much better than 'I am woman;here me roar.' Yet, with the same definitive chutzpah.

    A good write, Michael!


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