
Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Confession Tuesday - Four Days Writing & Dog Sitting

Dear Reader:

It's been three weeks, one 4 day weekend, numerous days of rain (lost count), one submission packet,  and 4 days of intense reading and writing since my last confession.

Pictured on the right is Tug. Tug is one of my son's three dogs. Because of Thanksgiving, I had a four day weekend last week. During that period I was dog sitting for Tug and two other dogs of my son. This was also a planned writing and reading period and it turned out to be one with positive results. I confess that when I dog sit for my son I almost always commit that time to hanging out with the dogs and reading and writing. I felt I was better disciplined this time and so I came away feeling I made the best of it. I even got a submission packet out in addition to the other writerly stuff I counted on.

Since my last confession I am saddened to report that there have been no less than 12 mass shootings in the past week alone. The numbers of mass shootings for the year are staggering. These don't even account for all the accidental shooting, individual murders and untold numbers of individuals who are wounded by guns but survive. I confess on the issue of reasonable gun restrictions, I will place a lot of weight on this over a lot of other issues during this next election cycle. Change in gun laws are needed. The NRA not only doesn't represent the majority view in America but it has been radicalized to the point that it's directors don't even represent a majority of its members on a lot of issues. The organization has been radicalized under the leadership of Wayne LaPierre.

The senseless loss of lives to guns is one of the biggest thorns in my side presently. It is hard for me to remain calm in the face of the epidemic numbers of shootings and the ignorance and disregard for common sense by legislators who are easily bought out by the NRA.

November has been a big book month for me. Actually I have to confess that this whole year has been. I think I've bought more books this year than any year in my whole past. Attending AWP15 kick started the year off big time as I brought home quite a few books. Since that time I've had a steady stream. Last week I added four new books. There were two others in the last 30 days. A person can't have too many books.... Right?!

I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and I am counting on a much improved A1C reading of my blood sugar. I confess I need to feel a positive outcome in reducing blood sugar over the last 30 days.

What has happened to this year? It's December. I can't even say it without feeling a disbelief. I'm thinking about New Years Resolutions. Ugh!

That's it for this week.

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