
Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Moon by any other name --

Photo by Dominik Fischer on Unsplash 

What poet has not been lured in by the moon? A mystical luminary overhead. 

The moon is known by so many names - New Moon, Full Moon, Crescent Moon, Gibbous Moon, Quarter Moon, Blue Moon, Supermoon, Micromoon, Beaver Moon, Harvest Moon, Hunters Moon, Buck Moon, Pink Moon, Blood Moon, Black Moon, Wolf Moon, and Strawberry Moon, to name a few. There are a number of them that named for various mythological Goddesses of the moon. 

Also there are any number of geographical variation of some of their moon names listed above and many names given in non-english languages.

There, you have a whole host of writing prompts - write a poem using each of these moons in it.

#moonnames  #Moon 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Has A Poem Had Such A Profound Impact on You as to Change Your Life?

 Not everyone is keen on poetry and I realized that almost as far back as I became aware of poetry.  I guess when I first learned of it realizing what it was, I would hear people from time to time dismissing it as boring, or irrelevant, or too hard to understand was maybe the most common. 

Obviously over the years none of this dissuaded me. I crossed over the bridge from being a reader to being a poet as well as a reader myself.  So this weekend I was sitting here with things flowing through my head as the tend to do on weekends, and I wondered how many could say that they have read a poem that truly changed their life.  If that is the case for you, I'd love to hear about it. What the the poem and how did it change your life? 

Since most of my readers are poets themselves, My second question is, have any of you written a poem that changed your life? This could be changing your attitude of life in such a way to modify your life in some way. I suppose it could be a poem you wrote that won a prize and how that might have impacted you. 

Anyway, don't be shy. Le's give it up for poetry-- What's the poem that made a difference to you. Even if it was one of your own poems. 

#poemschangelives #lifechangingpoems #poetry