
Friday, June 18, 2004

Friday... sigh

This weekend is needed. I am glad that Friday is here, yet I can only hope that the weekend is a good one. Relaxing, yet productive. I need to clear myself of a lot of emotion and garbage.

Write ~ Read ~ Write ~ Read. Then Write some more!!!

I need to stretch my legs and get some exercise as well.

Am I starting to sound needy?

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Orwell's 1984 & Bush Ideology

I stumbled upon a most interesting comparison between Bush ideology and the Orwellian premise of 1984. Take a look at Verne Mcdonald's piece here.

Also of interest:
Poetry a diversion for attorney.... here

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


"In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed." -Serge Daney

Happened upon it once; I thought,
but not certain for its' being
I auctioned it off to the high bidder
(likely a fool) taking my chance
at another spin. Besides,

my pockets were full of icons
and one can never be certain when
you'll have to lighten the load
as there are many artifacts left

along life's traveled paths.
The ruts wide and deep from
the burden others felt. In
their abandon did they discard

reality? Was theirs the "Real McCoy"?
Plastic bottles, Coke cans, CD disks, and
AOL Frisbees clutter my path. Once I saw
an Eight Track-something-or-other and wondered,

What's up with that? Preacher can you tell me
is this sinful? Should I feel guilt or sorrow
or both? Can you hear my confession and is
my emotion genuine? How about your absolution?

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Thomas Randolph (1605-1635) Born This Date

On Sixe Cambridge Lasses Bathinge Themselfes by Queenes Colledge on the 25th of June at Night and Espied by a Scholer

When bashfull daylight now was gone
And night, that hides a blush, came on.
Sixe Pretty Nymphes to wash away
The sweatinge of a Summers daye...

June 15th marks the birthday of this 17th century English poet -

Monday, June 14, 2004

Give Me Some Everyday Religion

"Dearest dealer,
I with my royal straight flush,
love you so for your wild card,
that untamable, eternal, gut-driven ha-ha
and lucky love." - Anne Sexton

So esoteric, you
accommodate me at times,
without foundation.

That I should roll snake-eyes
or pick a winning number
with no grounds and not a “thank you”
for my part to be the blest bastard. But then,

to be trumped by every stop-light
or fathom a turn of hard-luck so
lethal, I squirm in the puddles of
self-pity and moan of the great
injustice of this world like I understand
it all so well. Ha!

Deal me in… I say.
Let me play with the big boys.
Let me smoke my luck and drink my advantage
like my supply of chips at the bank is unending.
Are you looking over my shoulder God?


You say... I think -

  1. Colorblind:: dogs
  2. Shallow:: Bush
  3. Erotica:: a different Bush
  4. Figment:: imagination
  5. Eviction:: homeless
  6. Composed:: at ease
  7. Chill:: out
  8. Girl:: chick
  9. California:: dream'n
  10. Bond:: link

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Thursday Notables

I recommend reading the following op ed piece Defining Torture as well as check out the NPR link concerning Ashcroft on the torture memos.

A view on the recent issues before the California Supreme Court concerning when poetry constitutes a dangerous threat.

Alliteration - Strong and alive in America.