
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Laura Kasischke

Laura Kasischke - Poet and novilist is coming to Kansas City soon to read at the The Writers Place and I thought I read some of her work before she got here. I've had difficulty gettig one of her poem books at the library but I was able to get one of her novels - "white bird on a blizzard." Started reading it last night and I can tell you from her visual language in the book - I think I am going to really like her as a poet.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Cracks me up!

Contemporary Political Flow Chart of American / British power

Bush's Chat With Troops Draws Flak - Los Angeles Times

Bush's Chat With Troops Draws Flak - Los Angeles Times

War critics and some military leaders disapprove of the president's carefully staged videoconference with soldiers in Iraq.

Voters said to hunt for polling sites in west Iraq - Yahoo! News

Voters said to hunt for polling sites in west Iraq - Yahoo! News


Thair al-Hadeethi, a human rights activist from Haditha suggests that no votes are being marginalized in Sunni regions as voting gets underway on the Iraqi Draft Constitution. "The Americans intended to isolate the cities in western Iraq to prevent the huge Sunni population from voting," maintained Thair al-Hadeethi.

Learning from the arts

"I learn as much from painters about how to write as from writers. You ask how this is done? It would take a day of explaining. I should think what one learns from composers and from the study of harmony and counterpoint would be obvious." - Ernest Hemingway

This quote reminds me of the importance of listening to a poet. Of seeing for that matter. In each instance it is a keen awareness as to the patterns and layers of art or life.

With attention deficit disorder - listening is especially challenging. I have found that this is not all bad. I can for example often pick up a wide range of audio feedback... the difficulty is in not allowing one tiny speck of it to become larger than the rest. From a purely artistic point of view this is helpful.. I may discern something that the majority of the people listening to do not deem important or are not even tuned into. So from an artistic standpoint - this can be really positive. In practical adult - one on one communication, it might become problematic and frustrating to both parties.

In poetry as well as music, harmonizing your work or making it multi dimensional can greatly enhance it. The ability to nicely layer one's writing takes great effort and maturity of craft. I can certainly agree with Hemingway that we can learn a great deal that will improve our writing by experiencing with great openness the other arts.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Herald Sun: Anti-war playwright awarded Nobel [14oct05]

Herald Sun: Anti-war playwright awarded Nobel [14oct05]

To some he is one of Britain's greatest living playwrights. To others, he is an outspoken critic of the Iraq war... and no fan of Bush or Blair.

So now that he has won the Nobel prize for literature, 75 year old Harold Pinter is thinking less about plays these days. "I think the world has had enough of my plays by now. But I think I shall certainly be writing more poetry and certainly remain deeply engaged in the question of political structures in this world."

An Otherwise Normal Day

Paranoia sprinkles
Like the Sand Man's dust
Upon me ~

The metamorphosis begins-