
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Charles Bukowski - “The Man With The Beautiful Eyes”



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"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes." Andy Warhol


Yes, even you can be immortalized in Warhol pop art!

Come Tuesday, this blog will turn 6 years old. There are times, even recent, in which I have considered putting this blog to rest. I know some bloggers will write for a while and finish a blog then take up another as though to start a new chapter in life.  I have considered what would perhaps be the advantages and disadvantages of this and I won’t bore you with the lists as I see them on both sides, but only say that in the end I have elected to carry on, not because there were more reasons for it than against it, or because there are better reasons to continue then not, but because for better or worse, that is not my style to quit.

Anyone who has blogged for any length of time has likely had posts that were perhaps not of any significant value to others, but none the less needed to be spoken by the blogger if only for their own benefit.  This is probably most especially true when the blogger is a writer in general. Not someone blogging because of an interest in a sport or hobby, but those who come to blogging as writers in general. Those who write because it is as fundamental to their survival as breathing.

I hope to go back over these past six years, and reflect on some of what I believe are a few of the more significant blog posts. I will do this throughout the next week. I hope that you find something of interest.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Some Days I’m Lucky if I Use Three Gears



Life is like a ten-speed bicycle.  Most of us have gears we never use.  ~Charles Schulz


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Thursday, August 27, 2009

This Week


This week is my third week of taking on a different poet and focusing on his/her work. Actually thus far they have all been female. Week one was Kim Addonizio.  While not new to me, I did read her very first published book which is out of print, but for the life of me I can’t figure out why it hasn't been re-released.  It was exceptional.

Last week I read some material of Anne Sexton’s. Again, Sexton is far from new to me but I think I found a new way of looking at her. And on that note, I’m making Sexton my dead poet mentor. (more about this in a later post)

This week I’m reading Carolyn Forche. Actually I only started reading it yesterday as It took a little longer in transit then I had hoped. Forche is really new to me. At least her poetry. I read some interesting journal bits of hers during this last year so I was prepared to look at her poetry with a very curious mind. The book I’m reading is The Country Between us. (I plan to talk about this in a future post as well)

One of the things I’ve been thinking a lot about the past few days is how I view musicality in poetry. Beside that I toyed with a sonnet last week. I rarely attempt sonnets so this was me stepping out a bit. Taking risks I suppose. Writing without the comfort of a safety net.

Thought for the Day

"He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Monday, August 24, 2009

Turn Your Refrigerator Upside Down



I try to look at things differently.  It’s something I’ve been doing for a while now and it isn’t always easy because I think people ten to see what they want to see.

I believe particularly successful artists of all stripes have been thinking outside the box long before Taco Bell popularized enlarging our way of thinking with it’s slogan, “Think outside the bun.” 

I’m particularly fond of poets who are able to stretch our imaginations. I want to be especially adept at this and I think to get there it’s good to exercise one’s imagination even in the most common of things.

One Night Stands – Kim Addonizio