
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mail Bag

Some days it's better to get no mail then the alternative if that's bills. Today was a really good day...
1. Copy of Poets & Writers magazine.
2. Check for work published.
3. Card from another poet.
4. Rumpus letter from author Elizabeth Crane.

Not a single bill!

- Happy poet


Anonymous said...

I need a mail bag like this! Happy Friday, Michael.

Kathe W. said...

yes- getting quality mail is terrific! Cheers!

Michael A. Wells said...

I have no complaints about this kind of mail. It's funny but actually getting a letter or card always brings smiles to me. Remember when sail mail was just mail because there wasn't any other kind. I'm not saying the introduction of email has not been a positive thing, but it has created the drawback almost elimination of personalized communications and in that context, this has had a sad impact upon our culture.