If my blogger dashboard is correct (and it may not be, it was frozen on the same number for a while) this is my 1200th post to Stick Poet. At minimum it is the 1200th and in fact I may have passed that mark already for the sake of capturing the moment... this is it!
It is hard to believe that October is nearly over. That the year practically gone for that matter. We've had a taste of a few very cold fall days, but yesterday was absolutely beautiful with temperatures in the high 70's. It was actually hot inside the house. My wife and I took the dogs for long walks twice during the day.
Started on a new journal insert the other day and toying with some drafts over the weekend, I wanted to burn it and get another new one. I did however resist the urge.
Wanted to pass along this story for positive human interest value. Always nice to hear stories from people who have poetry experiences that give affirmation to their daily lives.
And here is an insightfully written review of the poet Stephen Dunn. While I have not read a lot of his work, I recall reading several of his poems last fall and agree that he has extraordinary word skills.
Oh, I almost forgot... Condolences to Jilly on the Tigers loss. I was pulling for the Cards but I've been there before, I feel your pain.