
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Still Writing

Yes, I've been silent a couple of days, but don't think that I'm not still going on the poem-a-day challenge!  I was sifting through some of them this evening and I can say there are four or five that could have some potential. Yes, there are some really bad ones, but truth is you've got to be willing to put a lot of bad ink on a page to get there.

In poetry news elsewhere, I was delighted to see W S Merwin win a Pulitzer for his book The Shadow of Sirius. I cannot say that I believe the book warrants the prize as I have not read it. But I am very fond of Merwin's work and have nothing but praise for Migration for which he won a National Book Award. I am anxious to read his new one.  You can find an interview for NPR by Terry Gross of Merwin here. Also, Ruth Stone was a runner up this year. I must remember to read some of her work, I haven't read her for a while.

Oh, and three cheers for Sandra Beasley  - 2009 BARNARD WOMEN POETS PRIZE AWARDED TO SANDRA BEASLEY



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