
Friday, February 20, 2004

No One Listening (v.2)

I want to dance
though my feet have no special steps.

I want to shout
though I have nothing distinguished to say
only a desire to be heard.

I can taste the grape exalted
to its supreme perfection
dry and with a hint of oak.

It is the water passing swiftly in the narrow stream that
travels so far with so little, and
I look inward and see in myself a raindrop that wishes
beyond all hope to travel half as far in my quest. Sometimes
the desire is far greater than purpose.

I wonder is something missing?
Is this why no one is listening?

I build a fire out of doubts and questions and douse it with
the enthusiasm that seems misplaced. I have no need for it.
At least I will be warm.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Stick Poet Invetview Coming Saturday

Katey Nicosia Poet, Student and Blogger on One Good Bumblebee is the subject of my interview which will appear as a Saturday post. Katey has been featured too many times to count on the Stick Poet's Top Five Weekly Bloggers List, including a stretch of 5 straight weeks at number one.

I greatly enjoyed learning a little more about Katey and hope you will too when you read the interview.


  1. Dragon:: Tower
  2. Molecule:: Atom
  3. Tire:: Rubber
  4. Mighty:: Mouse
  5. Octane:: High
  6. Troll:: Little
  7. Atmosphere:: Air
  8. Guide:: TV
  9. Leash:: Dog
  10. Dustmite:: Pillow

Interview Coming......

Stay Tuned.... Stick Poet will post an Interview with a previous Stick Poet Top Five winner this weekend.

I know you are all dying to know.

Even Being At the Top Can Be Tough For A Writer

"I thought I should do something to celebrate, have a glass of wine or something. But all I could find in that house, a friend's, were some cookies from America, some awful chocolate cookies- Oreos, I think- so I ended up eating two of those. And that's how I celebrated winning the Pulitzer Prize." -- Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979)

Ever thought how you would celebrate if you learned tonight that you won the Pulitzer Prize? Come on... tell us in the comments below.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Robert Bly Reading - Plymouth State College - NH

March 7 Plymouth, NH
Poetry reading, Plymouth State College, Sunday 3 p.m., admission free
Contact: 603/535-ARTS

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Busy week

Let me whine just a bit. I've had a busy last few days. Writers workshop and Thursday and again on Sunday. Last night a meeting of one of my writers groups. And Snow... yes snow again, though it was not in the forecast this time.

I am working on a interview that I will get pulled together and posted this week come hell or high water. I'm not putting out any details just yet, but I think it will be an interesting piece. Maybe I'll break the news tomorrow... Or, maybe I won't. Ha! You'll have to come visit the site to see.

In the meantime, if you haven't signed up for my newsletter - do so in the yellow box at the upper left. Also, check out the "Stick Poet Super Hero" Gear:

Post cards, Greeting cards, Shirts, Cups, Journals, Boxers, etc.

Ok.... Yes, the official "Classic Stick Poet Super Hero Thong" can be seen here!

Glad we cleared that up!