I like the speculative "Was it the down in the pillows" lines...the contrast of something so small and light to the heaviness and scale of retribution.
Tess- you know I once bought a Martha Stewart brand fether pillow and when we got it home the damn thing felt like every single fether was poking me. Everyone else in the house took a turn with it and I can't recall what happened to it but I'm pretty sure it isn't being used by anyone to sleep on.
Not enough fluff. Very funny
I like the speculative "Was it the down in the pillows" lines...the contrast of something so small and light to the heaviness and scale of retribution.
As soon as you mentioned duck soup, I'm thinking Marx Bros.
Snickered out loud at the thought of ducks doing flybys!!!!
why is there the expression "Lucky Ducks" ? Clever take on the prompt!
Funny and thought-provoking too. Guess that's why I don't eat meat...
I didn't see the hanging as hanging until you showed it to me.
Kathy B - Yes, sometimes the smallest things come with a heavy price tag.
Martin... admittedly I though of them as well.
Helen - you never know what you'll se in a market ;)
Kathe W - Sam Hamill has a poetry book I read some years ago called Dumb Luck. Maybe that's what this is.
Other Mary - How many Marys are there? Just kidding. Funny works. ;)
Was it the down in the pillows...giggle...
Cristopher - isn't that the job of the poet? ;)
Tess- you know I once bought a Martha Stewart brand fether pillow and when we got it home the damn thing felt like every single fether was poking me. Everyone else in the house took a turn with it and I can't recall what happened to it but I'm pretty sure it isn't being used by anyone to sleep on.
Yes, very thought proving ... and clever.
off with their heads...we will show them not to poop on everything...
Ah, that's strong punishment. :) Love it!
loved the humor in this...I too went for duck soup in mine...we must have been dining on the same thought :)
They really do look as though they have bee executed and put up as an example, don't they? I liked your poem veyr much.
love your pillow talk!
A totally original take. Well done.
I hope the ducks don't do a flyby alongside the windows of the people enjoying their dinner. That'd be a sight... :D
Arnab Majumdar on SribbleFest.com
amazing imaginations.
Love the idea of duck fly-bys over the market.
T O RAVEN ~ Thanks
Tumblewords - Tnak you, glad you enjoyed it.
Nichaolas V. ~ Good, glad you liked it.
Isabel ~ LOL, pillow talk? Glad you loved it.
Morning ~ Thank you!
Trellissimo ~ of course there would be some missing from the formation.
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