
Monday, June 07, 2004

Monday Morning

Yesterday, spent the afternoon at my son's. My aunt is visiting. I passed on writers group to spend time with them. My family is awesome. Sometimes I cannot understand how it is that I fit with them.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Always On The Chin

Pressing the issue as you so often do,
I fall flat. Spilt milk to mop up whenever
Someone gets around to the more mundane

Of life. I can’t, I can’t! Again, the obvious
But you sound the alarm and rush to muster
All forces behind your assault but others stand

To watch. A movie, a play… did you write
The script? How marvelous the ending
If it would just end but seems to go on

Like an LP that is scratched. Over and over
Monotonous melody- I want to throw up
And one day, I promise. The curtain will fall.

it IS Friday - finally!

Pain and Adversity - no stranger.... Thanks to Jilly for the discovery of this Charles Burkowski related link.

Thanks Michaela for the BUSH QUIZ Check out her civics lesson.

In defense Of Aubergine by James will be published in a chapbook - for which he is feeling quite chuffed.

iPod Poetry Express Thyself!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Phony Baloney

A little Rembrandt on your teeth for the
false smile you leave behind for the children
and you're out the door on your way to
do a little racial profiling
at the country club this weekend and
your neighbor asks who lazy Mexicans find
for domestic help but you have no answer yourself
because you are thinking about the new family
down the street who you have convinced yourself
you don't hate because of their color
but you despise the color of their crimes
like they personally are responsible for every criminal
act in the universe or at least your neighborhood
since it is mostly your own little world
you are wrapped up in


  1. Lover:: Hot
  2. Ridiculous:: Absurd
  3. Oscar:: Fish
  4. Tennis:: Ball
  5. Account Balance::
  6. Hickey:: Spider bite
  7. License:: Drivers
  8. Breathmints:: Peppermint
  9. TexMex:: Slop
  10. Stepmother:: Evil

Friday, May 28, 2004

Friday Night & I Remember to Blog

Criminality of poetry made it's way to the California State Supreme Court... outcome being watched closely.

Poems From a Baseball Fan Howard Nobles' first book of poetry find it's way into print.

At First I though Michaela was giving us a little panty humor... but the story of the 33 year old history professor who flashes her panties at political events is, well, on the up and up.

By the way - my yesterday afternoon hokey at the ballpark was lets say a massacre. The Royals allowed Detroit 27 (count them) hits... one shy of the 1928 franchise record for the Detroit Tigers. Needless to say the Royals lost. Anderson's ERA must be approaching that 27 figure. Hey, the weather was nice!