
Thursday, September 04, 2003

On Dreaming...

Night Time Follies

Painted with realism
As primary colors.
Places- faces I’ve seen
Some strangely familiar,
but why?

A sensual touch,
Or frightening drama.
Occasionally exhausted by eluding danger.
Sometimes nothing more than child like curiosity.
What’s it all mean?

Nocturnal movie,
But no popcorn
Or soft drink included.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

We Write To Taste Life Twice...

I don't know who that line belongs to... perhaps it is Crystallyn's own words... [It is featured on her Poetry site] but I love it! It says so much.

Well, the Stick Poet sighted a work of Crystallyn's that is deserving of mention. Pandora's Box is a fun piece that embodies such emotion about language. I especially like the conceptualization of tiny snippets of sentences captured, boxed and the thought that if shaken too hard, whispers could escape. She doesn't say it, but you can just picture what juicy tid-bits we could learn from them.

"Hello, Of course I can pick you up at eight." I see these language bits worthy of punctual attention. Boxed and stored. Later buried in a field. In that buried box, all sorts of thoughts expressed. Loving, secretive, sensual, hateful, greedy, bashful, tinder, loud, shy, vengeful, spiteful, caring... and so on. Would any one of us accept her dare?

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

Sam Hamill - Almost Respectable

I'm currently reading a variety of poetry and poetry related works. One is a small book of poetry by Sam Hamill titled Dumb Luck. I was fascinated by the title poem from the book. It provides an intimate view of the poets life, minus I'm sure a lot of captivating details. Nevertheless, it adds enough color to the canvas to show a young boy with a troubled home life who carved out his own path to what as a grown man; he considers a fortuitous life.

I'm struck by his building blocks- "poverty, poetry, and love." Knowing that of all the writing genres, poetry in perhaps the weakest link to economic success. Hamill clearly has achieved a “respectable” level among contemporary poets. Something he appears to find both "astonishing" and even "embarrassing" if you consider his poem, Praise a Fool and Make Him Useful to be a self evaluation of his some forty years invested in poetry.

I suspect that a prime factor in Hamill's successful evolution from an uneasy youth to an adult who appears at peace with himself can be found in his ability to shake the dust from his past. Move on. Embrace the present and perhaps the future. Poetry has become a mainstay for him and undoubtedly to Sam Hamill, It is highly relevant today.

A Place To Start

I guess this is as good a place as any to start...

How long has poetry been with us? [don’t answer] I would not know the correct answer if it bit me in the butt. Suffice to say a long assed time. I do know that people regularly ask if poetry has any relevancy today. Subjective a question as that may be, I personally feel the answer is yes. Still, I suppose the relevance it plays is something that has been challenged over and over throughout the ages. Perhaps it always will. The title of this blog, is simply my humble way of saying, here today, in 2003 poetry has a vibrant role to play in our culture. Like so many other things that have spanned the ages, it has undergone changes. But for this little Stick Person, It is real, it is alive and it has an important place in our human history and living role in our civilization today.