
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Alan's $64,000 question

Alan Cordle is saddened. He is lamenting the number of people who are coming to the site that last week he quit, but like a smoker with deeply stained nicotine hands he simply could not so easily walk away from it. He asks, "Why didn't you care enough to be a part of this during the past year when you could have joined? What's the attraction of coming here now? Am I the car wreck on the side of the interstate?

Is Alan really wanting us to answer that question? I think he know the answer. He is in fact very much a part of a wreckage that is scattered across the poetry landscape and there remain many bodies yet to be covered.

Poetry Month Quote - April 23

"To see the Summer Sky Is Poetry, though never in a Book it lie -True Poems flee." ~Emily Dickinson

Friday, April 22, 2005

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Alan Cordle - Foetry & The NY TIMES

NY Times said he's through - done - finished (for now) but look here it's the guest that won't go home. Alan Cordle apparently has had a change of heart. Though I gather there are those who question if he has one, or what exactly it is that run through those ice-cold veins of his.

Anyway, this saga (Foetry) has not gone away.

Poetry Month Quote - April 21

[P]oets are masters of us ordinary men, in knowledge of the mind, because they drink at streams which we have not yet made accessible to science. ~Sigmund Freud

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Poetry Month Quote - April 20

Poets aren't very useful because they aren't consumeful or very produceful.~Ogden Nash

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

In the Square

A kite tail of smoke,
Color not insignificant,
Tugged the emotional strings
And reached deep down to pull
Cheers by the boot straps
From tens of thousands
Who stood watching
With larynx seated on edge.