
Thursday, June 06, 2013

Confession Tuesday - Um edition

Dear Reader:  It's been 5 days since my last confession  which was very late and now this one too is tardy since it should be cone on Tuesday, hence the name "Confession Tuesday."

I confess that I have toyed with changing the date but I suspect that would not work any better.  If you get busy and forget, or as I confess the case was Tuesday night, I took my daughter to a ballgame then crashed and burned when we got home.

I confess I have not written much since the weekend. I've actually  thought about taking a short break and while I ruled this out I realized if I haven't been writing much I already have essentially taken a break of sorts. Are you starting to realize a theme here? Like say confusion?

But let's go back to Tuesday night. I Confess that as much as I love baseball, being there with my daughter was the real treat. My wife and I used to go to games sometimes together but she doesn't like the heat, humidity, scorching  sun (pick one) that normally is associated with the game. I don't blame her for that. Still, I confess that miss her at games.

At the game Meghan and I saw an interesting bird on the guy  wire that held up the net behind home plate. Using my Audubon phone application we determined it must have been an Orange crowned Warbler. This was a cool memory of the ballpark, as was Gordon's throw from left field where he nailed the runner  on what  seemed like a sure fire double. I confess the Royals offense sucked. But you find you moments in a game where you can. Sometimes the bats aren't happening.

I confess that I still recall today as the day Robert F. Kennedy died. Having won the California Primary on the night of  June 5th I still recall shortly after excitedly hearing clips from his victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel in LA, the news wires were abuzz with word of him being shot a close range in the hotel. I was in school back then and I recall that we had a class picnic planned at Tower Park. Several of us stayed  glued to a transistor radio for reports on his condition throughout the morning.

Last weekend I had to go up on our roof and make a repair in a leak around a vent in our roof.  I confess that my knees are just beginning to feel within a normal range from my roof trip. If they remain  of only minimal discomfort I plan to get my bike out a ride a bit this weekend. Of course that also depends on  having a weekend that is not all showers.

I confess my head feels a little clearer now. Maybe confession has been a good thing. I confess my lunch our is about over and I need to get back to work.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Submission Saturday - On Deck

I set up a folding table on the deck moments ago and brought my laptop out. There is sun on the far end of the deck but I'm where I can catch some shade for a while anyway. 
I brought the dogs out... Mo is sun bathing on the deck and Klaus is watching me dutifully. Barry is... well he's out of sight doing his own thing. He's a dachshund, I wouldn't expect anything else. 

And so begins Submission Saturday... it starts with the shade with a cool breeze. Who knows how it will end.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Confession Tuesday on Wednesday - Bad Habit Edition

This is getting to be embarrassing. It's been one week since my last confession (which was a day late) and here I am again.

Forgive me readers:

Yes it's been a week but I could swear it should be longer so I have even less excuse. I confess I firmly believe it should be Friday. When you think about it that is pretty pathetic since I had a Monday holiday. That on top of a week's vacation!

Travel is tiring to me so the vacation was a bit draining. I confess I love flying but  everything else with travel, time zone changes, the hurry here and hurry there, these things try my patience.

I confess that I am ready to send out some new material this weekend when I do Submission Saturday.It always excites me when I have new material to send out. Still, I can't help it, I worry that I should have tinkered with it longer as soon as it drops into the mailbox or I hit the send button.

I confess I still have dirty clothes from the trip and I need to do laundry tonight.

I confess that I need to get up and let the dogs out as they are looking at me in a most perturbed manor.

Until next week - may all your habits be good ones!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Journal Bits - May

A sampling for me journal this month...

May 2nd - This morning traffic snarled but couldn't keep me away. I arrived in time to resent being here, to resist the start of the day without success.

May 6th - The weekend was uniquely positive in terms of writing...  Three poems accepted for publication within 48 hours is so exciting and unfortunately sets a new bar that I'm sure I will not often reach again - but there is hope like the stars, I can look from the distance and dream.

May 7th - If the sun sets today on my life/I will not disappoint the cartographer/for my journey will be one that is not/subterranean but rallies around/dancing light and open byways.

May 9th - two books in the mail today from Martha Silano - her own The Little Office Of The Immaculate Conception and Radial Symmetry by Katherine Larson. Woot!

May 10th - I tend to isolate things like bird songs/or the lessor popped kernels of corn./Or things my wife says with special emphasis/on the details detached from major points.

May 12th - yesterday I thought a workshop to eight writers... then in the evening I sent out three poems.

Time has been unfriendly to me and I left my sanity in the midst of a new operating system on a computer that is pounding the blood vessels against a phantom anvil inside my head.

May 22nd - In Tempe, AZ for Meghan's wedding - It's been a lazy sort of day... I've finished a poem draft today and got some reading done. Trying to be open to another poem coming to me....

May 23rd  - The bubble wrap is gone/the thing now is just/boxed delight - fragile.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Confession Tuesday - Late

Dear Reader:

It's been a grueling week and a day since my last confession.

I confess the obvious.... I'm a day late.

I'm on vacation - day three now but it hardly seems like it.  I confess that I traveled 1,354 miles more or less to arrive at my destination (Phoenix) yesterday and I am wiped out. I feel as if I could have flapped my arms to get here rather than by jet. Some of that is because my last week at the office was an intense one trying the leave less on the burner for others to deal with and make my return less stressful as well. I confess the latter never seems to work.

The flight on Southwest wasn't too bad. Only a little turbulence in the early going and I expected it given the turbulent weather in the Midwest these past few days. I haven't flown in a while and I generally enjoy it. When I fly I confess I'm a window hog.

I took a brief swim this morning and it did loosen up the stiff mussels. I confess I really am going to need a nap today. I do have some quiet time available for writing and I intend to make use of it.

We are here for my daughter's wedding and I confess that that I am both excited and anxious about it. I'm very happy for her and I want her wedding day to come off perfect. I confess I'm not sure what that would look like, but I have ideas about what it might not look like. I realized they rarely are picture perfect but  I want her memories of it the be good ones. Happy ones. Lots of friends and good time.

I confess I love the scenery in Arizona but hate the heat. How people live here I cannot imagine.

I confess I had diet coke withdrawal earlier but I'm halfway through a 44 oz and doing better now.

My prayers have continued to flow for the people in Moore, Oklahoma. I can only imagine how hard it must be for those homeless there now not to mention families that have lost loved ones.

This morning my cell rang and it was our disposal company with a message that trash pickup next week would be pushed back a day due to the memorial day holiday. Even during vacation, life goes on.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Submission Saturday Starts in 30 Minutes

I've got to shift some files from one laptop to the other or work from my old laptop to do submission Saturday today. Yes, that  ads a layer of work moving stuff, and maybe I'll just use the today to complete this weeks submissions. Still, I do need to get some stuff moved.

It sucks when you have work out that is waiting someplace you'd like to see if  find a home and don't want it to submit it any place else till you here back.  I do a lot of simultaneous submissions but there are pieces that I really want to control more where they might end up. Getting picky I guess.