
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Worst Biking Hangover

My youngest daughter is visiting her sister and sent me this picture yesterday. Meghan as some readers will know from past blog posts is into road bike racing. She took her bike along on the trip and Tuesday road in the mountains with some other cyclists. This is Camelback Mountain which is where she rode.

Yesterday she called me late into the day... She had just got up (and sounded like it too). When she told me she had the "worst biking hangover" I just cracked up.

The grade was pretty steep but she said the ride back down was "pretty sweet".

Yesterday would have been the day from hell. Perhaps today will not be so taxing. My mood at this point is hopeful yet somewhat overwhelmed.

AROUND THE BLOGISPHERE: Yeah Jilly - who is doing a little self promotion (here)

Christine claimed to be on 25 peeps... Is that a good thing? - though I couldn't find her ::sigh:: Maybe I looked too late.

chuckling to self as I look at some of the search keywords used to get to this site recently.....

  • a muse super hero stamp
  • list of words posterious
  • pulitzer prize michael wells * (I'm sure they were disappointed)
  • write your own super hero story
  • poets workshop complaints
  • superhero badge making sites
  • god with a small 'g' book

Worth noting - a review of a review by Levi Asher of Where Literature Lives. Asher takes on Don Chiasson for his harsh assessment of Donald Hall's book WHITE APPLES AND THE TASTE OF STONE.


Christine E. Hamm, Poet Professor Painter said...

25 peeps? yeah, sigh, I thought I was, but now it's taking WEEKS for a submission to get posted.

I love the short poem up top.

Michael A. Wells said...

Ah... ok. Well, be sure and remind us when it is up.

Thanks about the poem.