
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Confession Tuesday - Going to Seeds Edition

Dear Readers:

It's been one mowed lawn, one sick dog, several bags of pumpkin seeds, a first watermelon of the season and more snail mail sent out in one week then I've probably done in the whole past  6 months and an untold quantity of Diet Coke  since my last confession.

I don't know what has prompted the craving for pumpkin seeds but I confess you would be well advised to invest in them. I've eaten the at my desk at the office. I've munched on them while driving and they have become a staple during my writing. It's a wonder that I'm not writing  Halloween themed poems. I suppose there are worse things I could be munching on. Still, I don't know how or why the craze has hit upon me but it has.

Dachshund Barry has been doing really well lately. Last year he was withering away and we were concerned about him and had to have blood work done and after a series tests and observations be learned that  he suffered from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) a condition that basically leads to starvation without adding special enzymes cultures to his food.  Barry went through a bought of diarrhea and vomiting. Not unlike the period of time he started his massive weight loss. Thankfully this was a very temporary thing and went away so we are back to normal. I confess that  when this happened I had much anxiety fearing we were dealing something not  temporary. It seems my worried were without reason.

I still cranking out the poem a day as part of the PAD 30 day challenge. I confess that I am not especially  happy with this year's crop of one day  wonders.  I'm not even sure many of them are what I would call keepers - worthy of working on them.  Sometimes out of this exercise I can pull out 6 or 8 poems that can be turned into something submittable. Just not feeling it  so far and I confess this is disappointing

Seven weeks since I received my  Poet Tarot Cards and I confess I've actually  found them to be a positive tool for examining my work, my work habits, work attitudes, overall appreciation for artistic process. If you haven't acquired a set of them there are two or three days remaining to support the Kickstarter campaign of Two Sylvias Press and receive a deck. You can get the details here for receiving your own deck or just  help support this worthy press.

That's it for this week my friends.  Wishing you all a great week!

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