Besides getting up this morning and writing, I went this afternoon to the Writers Place for the 4th Annual Writers Place - New Years Day Celebration Reading. It's a 12 hour Poetry Reading Marathon that Sharon Eiker organized based on the annual Bowery Poetry Club event in New York. So from a creativity standpoint I feel like the year has gotten off to a good start.
I thought now might be a good time to roll out some resources for those writers looking for good start to the year.
- The Artist's Way. This is something I just learned of this past week. Julia Cameron has put together a fascinating program that is geared for artists of all types. The program is a 12 week concentrated effort to spark creativity. If interested, check out the web site here.
- Bob Ragland the non-starving artist~ I heard an NPR story about Bob Ragland - He is an upbeat, energetic fellow that has made a living as an artist and tells other what he has learned that makes it work. The NPR story is here. You can find his web site here. The story mentions a pamphlet of his road to success. It's simple and focused. I'm sure it can be modified to any art venue. The Stuff You Won't Learn In Art School
- readwritepoem poetry prompts
- The Writing Site
There's a few things to get you thinking if your having trouble getting the new year started.
Best wishes to everyone in 2009!