Poets from the Kansas City Metro Verse Chapter of the Missouri State Poetry Society read last night at the Writerhouse in the northland area in Kansas City. The reading celebrated the release earlier this summer of the KC Metro Verse Anthology. Pictured here are poets Amy Leigh Davis (top right) and Brenda Conley (bottom right) are featured here. I had not read out in the general public for a while, other then doing read-arounds at chapter meetings, which is not at all the same thing. It's something I really should make sure I systematically do again on a more frequent basis.
I've never been a fan of math... so of course when I find from time to time some reference drawing a common link between poetry and math it both peeks my attention and raises my natural defensive
mechanisms. So here again is a
quickie on Math & Poetry in the
60 SECOND INTERVIEW that I thought others might enjoy.
Well, I have a few chores to tend to this morning so that will wrap it up for now.