
Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'm In Poor Mojo's Almanic(k) Issue # 342

One of my poems accepted earlier this year is finally up at Poor Mojo's Almanic(k).

The direct link Beautiful Music.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I should not mention...

Words seem to get in the way tonight. The wrong words. And where there are no words, this silence screams the blood curdling chills of language face down in a roadside ditch. So newly dead the flies of disquieted expectations have not even noted the gruesome occurrence as yet.

The ink in my journal tonight reeks of this death.

It is not fit or noteworthy enough for an obit.

I should not mention its passing.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Sexuality of War

It's Tuesday, it feels like it should be Wednesday and I wish it was Thursday. How's that for defying reality? Further, I really have no idea why I wish it were Thursday.

I've always considered that Virginia Woolf was never in short supply of thoughts to express. Nor timid about getting them out. I found an interesting quote that is one of the more profound statements I've heard attributed to her. "If you insist upon fighting to protect me, or 'our' country, let it be understood soberly and rationally between us that you are fighting to gratify a sex instinct which I cannot share; to procure benefits where I have not shared and probably will not share." -Virginia Woolf

It seems very evident that Woolf sees war largely the sexual aggression of men (emphasis on gender). I don't suppose I am qualified to challenge or uphold the psychological pretexts of such assumption, but it is rather profound that she is serving notice that she shares no such stake in these actions. A strong stand that I have to admire.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Michael Vick Chew Toy: The Only Thing You Can Still Buy With Vick's Name on It - Sports Blog - The FanHouse

Michael Vick Chew Toy: The Only Thing You Can Still Buy With Vick's Name on It - Sports Blog - The FanHouse: "Michael Vick Chew Toy: The Only Thing You Can Still Buy With Vick's Name on It"

Under the circumstances....
you gotta love it! I give it a thumbs up!

A Monday Medley

This is the start of a grueling week of getting things in order to be out of the office for a week. So much to do, so few nerves left to stretch.

A few bits from my journal this last week:

  • a pretentious line from a love song / neither recalls the tune
  • tracing a smile with his finger / her red lips kiss his index
  • the days are ruled / by tweezer fingers /picking here, picking there
  • crystal frost clinging to the bony flesh /of the best face one could put forward / under blistery circumstances
  • a mind is a terrible thing to use when it's fucked up
  • no one's here but scamper feet / who've come to witness my headache- / a mind with anxious classical thoughts / the Greek gods eavesdrop through paper walls


for Bud

You there when history was made
I saw you in high def
You didn’t want to be there
Your face said as much
Your looked so uncomfortable in your skin

Later you talked on your cell
I wonder who it was
There was no excitement in your face
I was excited for him
You should have stayed home

The Making of an American Police State

The following 41 Democrats grew weak at the knees when Bush suggested some may be soft on the war on terrorism. They voted with the Republican House members to give the president an even more powers of surveillance by a 227 to 183 vote.

They are:

  1. Jason Altmire (4th Pennsylvania)
  2. John Barrow (12th Georgia)
  3. Melissa Bean (8th Illinois)
  4. Dan Boren (2nd Oklahoma)
  5. Leonard Boswell (3rd Iowa)
  6. Allen Boyd (2nd Florida)
  7. Christopher Carney (10th Pennsylvania)
  8. Ben Chandler (6th Kentucky)
  9. Jim Cooper (5th Tennessee)
  10. Jim Costa (20th California)
  11. Bud Cramer (5th Alabama)
  12. Henry Cuellar (28th Texas)
  13. Artur Davis (7th Alabama)
  14. Lincoln Davis (4th Tennessee)
  15. Joe Donnelly (2nd Indiana)
  16. Chet Edwards (17th Texas)
  17. Brad Ellsworth (8th Indiana)
  18. Bob Etheridge (North Carolina)
  19. Bart Gordon (6th Tennessee)
  20. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (South Dakota)
  21. Brian Higgins (27th New York)
  22. Baron Hill (9th Indiana)
  23. Nick Lampson (23rd Texas)
  24. Daniel Lipinski (3rd Illinois)
  25. Jim Marshall (8th Georgia)
  26. Jim Matheson (2nd Utah)
  27. Mike McIntyre (7th North Carolina)
  28. Charlie Melancon (3rd Louisiana)
  29. Harry Mitchell (5th Arizona)
  30. Colin Peterson (7th Minnesota)
  31. Earl Pomeroy (North Dakota)
  32. Ciro Rodriguez (23rd Texas)
  33. Mike Ross (4th Arkansas)
  34. John Salazar (3rd Colorado)
  35. Heath Shuler (11th North Carolina)
  36. Vic Snyder (2nd Arkansas)
  37. Zachary Space (18th Ohio)
  38. John Tanner (8th Tennessee)
  39. Gene Taylor (4th Mississippi)
  40. Timothy Walz (1st Minnesota)
  41. Charles A. Wilson (6th Ohio)

Thank you for bringing us closer to a police state!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Immigrant Poet Laureate

Jilly presents an interesting take on the selection of poet laureates in the U.S. While this is not totally new information to me, she has presented some good reference material and demonstrates the tendencies toward NE geographies and the male gender. Much will be made of it because much was made of it the last time, a NE male then too.

In my own humble view, there are quite a few women I believe would be excellent candidates. I am perhaps more bothered by the gender issue than the geographical one. Why? I suppose being from the Midwest I should have been jumping for joy at the Kooser appointment. It turns out that his being from a neighboring state meant little of nothing to me.

I believe what may say a lot about the latest selection, and a very positive way to view it, would be that Simic is a first generation immigrant to the U.S. This at a time when our own American culture seems to be at such odds with our own American heritage. Simic was born under the dark shadows of very troubling times in his native land. I've seen in his work a more worldly view of life and I think this is a good time for Americans to experience a poet with such background.

On another note my copy of Poems from Guantanamo: The Detainees Speak arrived on Friday.