Sunday, September 09, 2012
Anniversary Missed~
In a way perhaps it is fitting that it passed without an anniversary fan fair post. I'm probably blogging less these days then I have in the past. In 2005 I had a total of 421 blog posts - a nine year annual high. The last time I exceeded 400 posts was 2007 and last year I had a total of 257. There are times when I want to so a particular post on a topic but I'm busy and days pass and so does the urge to write that particular post and I'm thinking about something else to write about altogether.
I would like to believe that as I move into the tenth year on this blog that I find topics and craft writing that is increasingly interesting and perhaps is more engaging with readers. I don't want to be just going through the motions of blogging for the sake of it.
The fact that I have blogged with less frequency is not to say I have less interest in blogs as a media. Some have suggested that Facebook and Twitter have diminished the relevancy of blogging. I disagree with this notion and believe that these two newer venues have significant places in the communication spectrum but when best used they supplement blogging rather then replace it. If you said today we must do away with two of these three forms of communication I would argue to save blogging.
I do think Facebook and Twitter have become popular for a couple of reasons. One is the narrowing focus many have on reading. To may 140 characters has become something the can wrap their attention around. Maybe that's because of how busy we have all become but I think it also reflects a decline in the emphasis overall of reading. The other aspect is the electronic aspect of socialization that has in many respects replaced real face-to face-socialization. In this respect, blogging differs from Facebook and Twitter and underscores why I believe it remains an important means of communication.
All this is to say that I Stickpoet enters year 10 with a anticipation of continuing dialogue and information as well as sharing some personal aspects of my writing journey. It's my hope that we will look back on this current year no matter the number - with quality first and quantity second.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Poetry Mail Bag
The cover is rather nondescript but I knew from what Kelli relayed about the book it would be something I would likely dig into and enjoy. Transcripts of poet interviews over twenty five years. I'm a sucker for interviews, biographical material collected notes or correspondence from poets. I'm pretty sure this will keep me out of trouble for a few days. Actually the biggest concern is I have a tight schedule of some projects that require my attention. Still, I will make some time to read this book this weekend. After all, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to or it would not have arrived till Monday! ;)
I'll let you know what I think of it.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Celebrating 38 Years of Marriage

Before I retire for the night I feel compelled to say a few words about the number thirty-eight. Poets normally deal with words but at the moment it's the number thirty-eight that pretty much sums it up.
It was thirty-eight years ago on the 22nd of June, that my wife Cathy and I were married. We dated for three years prior so really our lives have been entwined for essentially 4 decades. No one lives 4 decades without trials and tribulations and we have had ours; but I cannot think of having gone through my life without the partner I've been privileged to have by my side.
Through numerous endeavors over these years I have been blessed by her support, her faith in me, and her gentle encouragement at times when I have needed it the most. I'm not an easy person (I'm a poet for God's sake) at times. She has tolerated the many flavors of idiosyncrasy that I tend to embrace. Overlooking faults and bring out and celebrating the best in me at times when I have trouble seeing the best myself.
Love you Cath!! Looking back all these years later I might have done a lot of things with my life different, but not you. I would do this all over. Here's to a long life together!
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm SO Excited!
I've written, hobbled around on a sore knee, alternated heat and ice on it, and otherwise had a quiet day off. At some point I need to do laundry and will probably try a relaxing bath. But while I've had a quiet day, I remain very excited about some news that came my way yesterday. I will not go into detail just yet, but I can tell you it's good news and it has to do with poetry. I did get a rejection letter over the weekend from Rattle but trust me, this makes up for it and then some. Stay tuned for the details!
Friday, December 03, 2010
Recommended Reading
- Lessons from Pre-Schoolers a delightful commentary on lessons adults could take from pre-schoolers.
Negotiating Death with Ivy Alvarez The fascinating international poet and author of Mortal is interviewed by Alec Patric for Verity LA
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Opera Company of Philadelphia "Hallelujah!" Random Act of Culture
First - Credit to Suzanne Frischkorn who posted this - which is where I originally found it. I love Handel's Messiah and in particular the Hallelujah Chorus. Thanks Suzanne for making my day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
U.S. for first time sends official representatives to Hiroshima Memorial Service in Japan
Shuji Kajiyama / AP - photo credit
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I'm Giddy
Baseball is so poetic!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Dynamic Duo
Admittedly I don't go to a lot of concerts, but I've seen a few over the years, some good ones but this one had so much energy- between the music and the crowd. Billy Joel was more engaging with the audience than Elton John but that’s ok, they each were at peak performance.
A friend of ours that was with us shot some good phone photos, I’m hopeful she’ll send me some that I can post later.
Lot of my favorite songs were a part of the night...
- We Didn't Light The Fire
- You May Be Right [this quite possibly was written about me] ;)
- Only The Good Die Young
- Piano Man
- She's always a Woman to Me
- Crocodile Rock
- Rocket Man
- Saturday Night's Alright
- Candle In the Wind
- Can You Feel the Love tonight
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Poetry in the loo; what a way to brighten ones day. Leave it to the Scots to bring a little culture to the toilet. Thumbs up!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Good News....
- Reports of chicken wing shortages this weekend baseless (story)
Wings, which in my view are the best part of the chicken are evidently not in short supply for the weekend.
Friday, December 26, 2008
San Francisco airport to feature carbon offset kiosks - News-
Here's a positive story for the spaceship earth~!
updated 9:50 a.m. CT, Fri., Dec. 26, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco International Airport is planning to give guilt-ridden travelers a chance to offset the air pollution emitted from their plane rides.
San Francisco airport to feature carbon offset kiosks - News-
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Long Short Week
These three days have been long ones. I've been so anxious for the holiday to start because I truly need a break. But enough of that, it's here!
Tomorrow being thanksgiving I suppose I should take inventory of that for which I am thankful, and there are so many things both large and small. As I make a list here, keep in mind two things... first, this list is in no way inclusive. Second, that order is not reflective of importance. With that disclaimer, here I go.
- MY FAMILY - my wonderful wife and my four children who are all adults now and each one make me proud.
- MY HEALTH - which is reasonably good and what issues I have are well managed.
- MY JOB - at a time when the economy is at a point of great uncertainty, I'm grateful that I have a job.
- BASEBALL - even when it's over for the year, there is the hope it brings with spring.
- BOOKS - food for thought, entertainment, and the simple beauty of language therein.
- HOUSE RERUNS - my addiction
- CHARDONNAY - an occasional glass
- WRITER FFRIENDS - their honesty and the time they give in critique of your work.
- C-PAP MACHINE - this I have a love hate relationship with.
- FALL COLORS - reds, rusts, amber and gold.
- CALLS FROM MY KIDS - knowing they are safe
- $1.37 GAL GAS - what I paid today!
- MAPLE SYRUP - in limited amounts.
- OUR CAR - the commute would not be possible otherwise.
- SLEEP - as needed.
I'm sure I could go on, but where would I stop? So, I stop here.
photo credit:
Friday, September 19, 2008
Words to Stroll By
As a Capricorn, I like to think of myself as an earthy sort of person. It is true I like a safety net, the secure feeling. Still, I do like a good shakeup once and a while. A little something new can be a good thing under the right circumstances. Even to a Capricorn. So when I saw an article about a man in St. Paul, Minneapolis that was bringing poetry to the people in a new way, I sat up and took note.
It seems that poetry has taken up a rather permanent position around the city on sidewalks. The project was conceived by Marcus Young who was looking for a way to integrate art into the public view.
Working with twenty poets and the Department of Public Works in St. Paul, Young was able to orchestrate poems etched into the concrete where repairs were being made in public walkways. Presently there are about 50 poems completed in various parts of the city and another fifty to go.
I thought about during next poetry month doing poems in chalk on sidewalks but this is way more cool, and lasting.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kudos too for U.S.women’s gymnasts Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson who won Gold and Silver respectively last night in Beijing.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Habeas Corpus Lives!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I Just Love Finding Things of Value that are Free
Oh, by the way... looking for a good action movie? Go see Vantage Point that opened today. My wife and I got out on a date today for movie & lunch. I recommend the movie. It's so unique, but I'm not saying anything else about it.