
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Long Short Week


 These three days have been long ones. I've been so anxious for the holiday to start because I truly need a break. But enough of that, it's here!

Tomorrow being thanksgiving I suppose I should take inventory of that for which I am thankful, and there are so many things both large and small. As I make a list here, keep in mind two things... first, this list is in no way inclusive. Second, that order is not reflective of importance. With that disclaimer, here I go.

  • MY FAMILY - my wonderful wife and my four children who are all adults now and each one make me proud.
  • MY HEALTH - which is reasonably good and what issues I have are well managed.
  • MY JOB - at a time when the economy is at a point of great uncertainty, I'm grateful that I have a job.
  • BASEBALL - even when it's over for the year, there is the hope it brings with spring.
  • BOOKS - food for thought, entertainment, and the simple beauty of language therein.
  • HOUSE RERUNS - my addiction
  • CHARDONNAY - an occasional glass
  • WRITER FFRIENDS - their honesty and the time they give in critique of your work.
  • C-PAP MACHINE - this I have a love hate relationship with.
  • FALL COLORS - reds, rusts, amber and gold.
  • CALLS FROM MY KIDS - knowing they are safe
  • $1.37 GAL GAS - what I paid today!
  • MAPLE SYRUP - in limited amounts.
  • OUR CAR - the commute would not be possible otherwise.
  • SLEEP - as needed.

I'm sure I could go on, but where would I stop?  So, I stop here.

photo credit:

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